
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Weekly Miniatures New #22 - 2nd October 2020 - HeroQuest & Hasbro
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
In August, Hasbro announced that their Pulse programme would run a "HasLabs" crowdfunding campaign for HeroQuest. But HeroQuest has an iconic and troubled history, and feelings about this sort of thing tend to run high.
So for my listeners' benefit, I've dug through the history, the trademarks and the controversy to try to understand what's going on with HeroQuest, why it's happened how it has and what might, possibly, be coming next for the game. WARNING: total speculation ahead!
Anyway, enjoy.

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Weekly Miniatures New #21 - Infinity 4th Edition & the Lifecycle of Wargames
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Weekly Miniatures News #20 - Six Ways to Launch a Wargame
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Weekly News #19 - 11th September 2020 - Whither Miniatures?
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
This week I noted news from:
And this inspired me to take a look at how wargames miniatures manufacturers have approached the question of materials technology over the last thirty years, how it's changed and why; and to look ahead and ask how the new push for desktop 3d printers is going to change the market for wargames miniatures.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Weekly News #18 - AK-Interactive & Condemnation
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
CONTENT WARNING - This is one of those episodes that needs a content warning. There is reference to war crimes, genocide and other nastiness. And a little strong language.
I was all set up for a nice episode about miniatures manufacturing and how I was expecting to see things shift over the next few years. And then AK Interactive and their book, Condemnation, happened.
On the plus side, it was genuinely nice to hear from more than one patron - and non-patron listeners - who wanted me to cover this and hear my take on the issue.
If there's a topic in miniatures wargames that you'd like to me to cover, do let me know. I try to make sure that these issues are covered when there is at least an oblique connection to the latest news.

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Weekly News #17 - 28th August 2020 - Miniatures Board Games
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
CMON's Massive Darkness 2 Kickstarter concludes with $3.8m in funding, while Core Clash scrapes in at $46k, and New Osaka has "successfully" funded at about $10k. Oh, and if that weren't enough giant robots, there's also Galaxy Hunters* which is about one-third of the way towards its funding goal.
But rather than talk about Kickstarter, I'm interested in miniatures board games. For some reason, they rub me up the wrong way somehow and I'm not sure why, because on the surface they seem to make a lot of sense. So I take apart what my problems might be and reflect, as ever, on what that means for Precinct Omega.
*Incidentally, is it just me, or is a game that involves killer mercenaries being hired by mega corporations to hunt down and kill invasive mutants just a teeny-weeny bit dog-whistley? Perhaps I'm just becoming over-sensitive. Not sure.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Weekly News #16 - 21st August 2020 - Is Wargaming For Everyone?
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
When this article popped up last week, it predictably set the twittersphere alight.
Having asked for thoughts on my Facebook page, I thought I'd take some of those and address the different aspects of the story that people have settled upon and, of course, give you the questionable benefit of my own opinion.

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Weekly News #15 - Final Whistle for Guild Ball
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020

Monday Aug 10, 2020
Weekly News #14 - 7th August 2020 - Getting it Right
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020