
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Precinct Omega Podcast - Design Discussion #4 - Random Number Generators
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Precinct Omega Miniatures News #29 - 2020 News Round-Up
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021

Friday Jan 01, 2021
Precinct Omega Podcast - Design Discussion #3 - Cyberpunk
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Bernard's back!
This week's episode is a longer one, stretching out to just shy of an hour, but I was absolutely stoked to welcome Tomas Rawlings of Auroch Digital (and a patron), who brought me news of emerging devices for hybrid tabletop/digital gaming that I found absolutely fascinating, and it was terrific to get Tomas's insight into how these could transform our tabletop experience. I start as a skeptic, but really found my enthusiasm growing as Tomas explained what could be done with products like these.
The news items this week covered:
2D6 Wargaming and 6mm Sengoku Jidai
GCT Studios, Bushido and The Brotherhood
Additional listening on the topics discussed can be found here:

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Weekly Miniatures News #27 - Adverts and Advertisers
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
First of all, my deepest apologies for my recent absence. If you follow Precinct Omega on Facebook or are a Patron, then you'll be aware that I had some problems getting my hands on a part to effect a straightforward repair on my laptop. But it arrived this morning, so I'm back, baby!
However, while things weren't working, after radio silence for a few weeks, I finally gave in and recorded an episode on my smartphone. So, no Bernard. No music. No special effects. Just me, talking.
This week's podcast looks at:
Games Workshop (you don't need a link to them!)
and, later on,
This week, I'm thinking about advertising and how and why the world of miniatures wargames is forced to approach the issue differently to conventional manufacturers and retailers.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Precinct Omega Podcast - Games Design #2 - Rambling about Stats
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Having forgotten to upload the script to the last design episode, I decided to embrace it, this week, and just no bother with the script. The result is more rambling and less structured and possibly less coherent. But hopefully still interesting.
Let me know in the comments: stick to unscripted (and maybe do a video version as well) or go back to scripting and the hours-long preparation each episode demands... Can you tell my heart's not in it?

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Miniatures News #26 - Stuff vs Good Design
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
In the first in the new series, I start by talking about conceptual efficiencies and physical efficiencies - what are they, and why do large game companies like physical efficiencies so much?*
Link to the panel.
*Answer: because they make them more money.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Weekly Miniatures News #25 - Will Stargrave Be the Death of Me?
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020