
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Weekly News #3 - 15th May 2020 - Kickstarter
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
With endless new Kickstarters popping up every week, how is this affecting the market for tabletop and miniatures wargames?
After a brief look at a selection of current, recent and failed Kickstarter projects, I review the benefits Kickstarter has brought to gaming as well as the negative impact it has had.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Weekly News #1 - 30th April 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
In this (first) week's discussion, I talk about what I will and won't include in the news and, briefly, why not. I also talk about my plans for the podcast every week and every month and invite my listeners to join me if they feel so moved.
Manufacturers mentioned in this week's news are:
Alternative Armies
Artel W
Bad Squiddo Games
Brigade Models
Eagle Figures
Footsore America
Fox Box
Galladoria Games
Khurasan Miniatures
Microart Studios
Miniatures Scenery
Puppets Wars
Reaper Miniatures
Tabletop Art
The Plastic Soldier Company
Uncertain Scenery
Vanguard Miniatures
Victoria Miniatures
Wargames Atlantic

Thursday Jan 01, 1970
Weekly News #2 - 7th May 2020 - Is it OK to rip off Games Workshop's aesthetic?
Thursday Jan 01, 1970
Thursday Jan 01, 1970
Well, is it?
After a much (much) shorter news section, I discuss at length the legal, ethical and moral question of ripping of GW's "grimdark" aesthetic.
Companies mentioned in this episode are:
Puppets War
Vanguard Miniatures
Anvil Industry
Wargame Exclusive
Mantic Games
and, of course,
Games Workshop